In the midst of this Covid storm I am finding that venues and vendors have very different views on what the CDC safety guidelines mean and how to enforce them.
The interpretation of those guidelines seem to shift from wedding to wedding with some businesses and can make it very confusing for brides and grooms.
Bottom line, this is your wedding and you should know exactly what safety measures are being enforced to keep you and your guests as safe as possible.
Here are some questions to ask when interviewing your venue or vendors.
#1 Do you have a statement and a list of all the safety measures being taken for your business?
- Do your employees wear masks, gloves and practice social distancing?
- Are your bathrooms, common areas, handrails and reception areas cleaned and wiped down continually during an event and how often?
- What is your cleaning protocol for your rooms, suites and overnight guests? Is everything sanitized?
- Do you have hand sanitizing stations?
- Are the guests required to wear masks when not eating?
- Are the tables spaced out for social distancing and guests put in family groups?
- When the weather gets cold and doors have to be shut, how will you handle ventilation?
- How do you handle dancing and partying doing an event?
- If one of your employees is exposed to Covid what is your protocol?
- If handling food, do all employees wear masks and gloves?
- How do you safely serve a buffet?
- How are your bartenders handling drinks, washing glasses and guests crowding the bar?
- How do you enforce these regulations?
If the venue or vendor cannot give specific answers to these simple questions and show you how they are enforcing their safety measures, they might not be enforcing them at all. If that’s the case, you have a decision to make.
How important is the safety of you and your guests? Ask the Questions. Weddings are going to be affected by Covid well into 2021, if not the entire wedding season. We all have to adapt and continue with our lives but do it safely.
It is better to know the facts then to assume it’s being taken care of and someone ends up sick.
I wish all of you safety and health!
Cheers, Lisa

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