Engagement Season is Upon Us

For those of you who don’t know, the engagement season is from the end of November until after Valentine’s day.

This is typically when the highest number of couples get engaged.

If you are one of the happy couples that are engaged or getting engaged here are a few things to consider when thinking about your upcoming wedding.

  • If you are planning your wedding within 10-12 months you need to book your venue asap. Once you have your venue booked, you need to book your photographer, they are all very busy and they book up fast!
  • Hire a wedding planner to help with details, choosing vendors and contracts. I have seen many weddings where there was no planner and it never goes smoothly. On your wedding day you want everyone to relax and enjoy.
  • Stay within your budget. Have a budget that is realistic with updated pricing and choose vendors within your budget.
  • Use Pinterest as an idea board and move on. I have seen many brides constantly changing their minds and getting stuck on decisions because they are seeing things on Pinterest.
  • Be kind, considerate, but firm when dealing with others’ ideas and thoughts that don’t align with yours on your wedding,it’s your wedding.
  • Enjoy this time in your life, don’t overstress yourselves, set realistic expectations for yourself and everyone around you.

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